


Mommy Dearest is the quintessential hanger obsessed person. Her rage is horrifying and her daughters fear as she cowers under her covers makes me squirm. But the first 20 seconds of the scene as she holds up a wire hanger as if it was the archetypical symbol of disrespect to the cloths, is relatable. Each time I see a closet of unharmonious hanger choices, my internal scream matches that of Mommy Dearest. Here, a nice clean white closet is made chaotic by the mess of hangers. The varying sizes and materials results in the triangle edge catching inside the other and the hooks tangle together.

It seems like a lot of unnecessary frustration in life to be fighting with your clothes each morning and evening. My life changed when I discovered slim hangers. These simple velour hangers can transform your clothes hanging experience. After I hung everything, I wove my fingers between each hanger giving them equal spacing, my clothes were reinvented. It might seem indulgent or unnecessary but now my shirts are hanging with room to breath and I can see the flowered tank top nestled between the long and short sleeved blouses. It can still get cramped, but at least each shirt has a place to come back to and order can be restored.


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1 Response to Hangers

  1. Constance Berry says:

    You can’t see the clothes when the hangers are higgledy-piggledy. Now the closet is inviting.
    Bises, Connie

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